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1 Section 1 Groundwork
Building Empathy
In what follows, we explore the motivations, attitudes, values, and fears that shape consumers' behavior.
Why do they care about {{}}?
What values are important to them?
What do they do about it?
What do they fear the most?
{{ | sanitize}}
Maturity Curve for Macroculture: {{}}
Topic Universe for Macroculture: {{}}
Maturity Curve for Macroculture: {{}}
Topic Universe for Macroculture: {{}}
Here are the {{vm.numberToName(}} microcultures relevant to {{}}:
{{p.type && p.type=='coreBelief'&&p.rationale!=''?p.statement+ ' = ' + p.rationale:p.statement}}
2 Section 2 Microculture Analysis
{{ vm.titleLength(}}
3 Section 3 Synthesis
Zone of Innovation
Where the demand spaces net out
Current & Future State: Where the demand spaces net out
Please switch to desktop mode to see Zone of Innovation
Executive Summary
Research Topic: {{}}
Current Maturity
{{ ([vm.selectedMacrocultureIndex].prediction.origionalInflection*100).toFixed(1) }}%
Predicted Maturity
{{ ([vm.selectedMacrocultureIndex].prediction.inflectionIndex*100).toFixed(1) }}%
Current Population
{{[vm.selectedMacrocultureIndex].prediction.origionalCoreMarket | peopleShortform }}